In order to become a match for the money you need to go deep into your subconscious mind and rewire the old stories that are keeping you stuck.

We all have money stories, but is yours helping you become abundant or stopping you from being the match the wealth you dream of?

Becoming wealthy can feel easy and exciting if you understand a few fundamental things that financially successful individuals have mastered.

🌟 Money is Drawn to the Right Frequency 🌟

Imagine being in perfect harmony with the frequency that attracts money effortlessly. That's where true wealth lies - in understanding the energetic connection that draws money to you like a magnet. Most people are tuned into the frequency of their mind feels is safe, its time to change the frequency so you can be a magnet for MORE.

🌟 Money Goes To Those Who Are Ready Yo Attract the Money They Desire 🌟

Wealth goes to those who are aligned and activated for MORE wealth. The time has come to shed the fears that hold you back and activate the prosperity that is rightfully yours. Most people aren't ready for the next level, but you will get your mind onboard for MORE.

🌟 Money Goes To Those That Sets It As It’s Best Friend 🌟

Gone are the days of money scaring you. It's time to embrace money as your best friend, a powerful ally that brings abundance and opportunity to your doorstep. Instead of seeing money as something that controls you, it’s time to see money as you ally.

🌟 Let Go of Past Guilt, Embrace a Bright Future 🌟

Release the guilt of past financial mistakes and step into a future where unlimited potential awaits. Rewrite your money story and welcome abundance with open arms.

It’s time to UNLEASH Your Wildly Wealthy Self

No more settling for mediocrity. It's time to not only see yourself as the wildly wealthy version of yourself - a person capable of achieving extraordinary financial success, but have your kind wired for this reality too.

Money is not a limited resource reserved for the few; it's an infinite potential within every individual. Break free from the chains of scarcity and discover your boundless capacity for prosperity.

It's why I've created

Wired for Wealth

In this 5-week abundance accelerator, prepare to recalibrate your energy to a whole new frequency. Experience the power of deep subconscious rewiring, helping you shed fear and anxiety about money, and supercharging your success.

πŸ’₯ Unleash the Game-Changing Power Of Subconscious Rescripting To Rewrite the Subconscious Scripts That Are Holding You Back And finally Align With the Money you Desire.πŸ’₯

Get ready for five weeks of powerful audios and exercises, meticulously designed to rewrite your money stories and magnetize money towards you. This is the golden opportunity you've been waiting for!

πŸ’₯ Your Financial Future, Forever Transformed πŸ’₯

Join me in this transformative experience and watch your financial trajectory shift forever. No more doubts or barriers; just a confident, empowered version of yourself, attracting wealth effortlessly.

Its time to let go of the old and start to step into a whole new fucking version yourself that magetnistes money to you.

I see you as the most empowered version of you who has a deep sense of awareness of who you are, what is stopping you and how to overcome that.

If you haven’t been making the money you desire its not becase there’s something wrongg with YOU. There just something wrong with how you ind is processing date and we need to stop that now

πŸ’₯ Join the Founder's Round And Have Access to Noor!πŸ’₯

This is a live experience, and it might be the only time I ever offer it live again.

Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity!

It’s time to change your money story.

once and for all.

The Journey Starts on August 14th and will last 5 weeks.

You will receive 5 audio trainings plus access to a Facebook Community to share.

There will be 2 x Q and A’s with Noor

You will have lifetime access to the modules.

Your path to abundance begins here. This is not about giving your lots of NEW information, this is about deep Subconscious Rescripting work that will help regulate your nervous system and activate new beliefs that will supercharge you success and make you a magnet fo money.

This stuff is GOLD and will change the fucking game.

Ready to embrace your wild potential and attract abundance like never before? Secure your spot now!



Join now for just Β£247

(or 2 x Β£135 payments)



  • 5 Videos/Audios delivered to you weekly over 5 weeks

  • Yes, and all live session are recorded so you can access them at your own leisure and yours to keep!

  • Yes, during the 2 Q&A sessions, Noor has planned to do this only in live round of this experience.

  • Due to the nature of this program, you can only get a refund before the first module is dropped on August the 14th, after that no refunds will be available once you participate in the program.

  • No, this is access to powerful Videos/Audios that will be delivered to over the course of 5 weeks plus a chance to ask questions during the Q and A’s.

  • This is the first time I’m running this and therefore will be building it alongside my members to make this a powerful experience! I will be asking for feedback and expect a collaborative partnership!

  • No, this is for anytime wanting to work on their money mindset